Friday, May 21, 2010

Play Is Learning

Posted by me on 3:22 PM 0 comments

From the opinions of experts on child development, one in the book "Human Development", Papalia (1995), says that children develop in a way to play. Children's world is a world of play.

He explained that by playing, children will:

1. Discover and learn things or new skills
2. Learn when to use these skills
3. Satisfy their needs sendiria children (need).
4. Physical child will be trained
5. Cognitive skills and developing the ability to interact.

Also Jackie Silberg, speaker, teacher and coach leading the development of children under five in his book "Brain Games" (2004) mentions that the play is a builder units of learning the future of children.

From these opinions can be known how important it is to play. As we all know that children have a happy feeling, enjoying, free to choose and free from all charges because he had no targets.

When playing, children spend their imagination and ideas that are stored on themselves. Children express knowledge that he possessed about the world and was also once able to gain new knowledge, and all done by encouraging him.

Not only knowledge of the world have in mind is expressed through the child's play, but also things he felt, the fears and kegembiraannya.Dengan play, we as parents will be able to find the impressions and expectations of children to parents and families. Creativity of children is also growing.

Keep in mind also, not only the parents are experiencing stress, the kids can too. Stress in children can be caused by a boring daily routine. Play can help children to escape from the stresses of everyday life.

For the role of parents is needed to guide their children in play so that really useful for these children, which are as follows:

1. Make sure the kids busy schedule of everyday life, there is still enough free time for children to play.
2. Play with the children, to understand himself, joys, fears and needs.
3. Supporting creativity permainanan children, as far as what is done to children in the game is not a brash act, not harm, not hurt and does not endanger themselves and others.
4. Guide and supervise children in play, but not too protect (over protective) to inhibit freedom. Children may not know if what he was doing in the game is wrong, so they need to be guided.

Guide and accompany the child so that they can exist in a world that is safe and comfortable.

From the description above we can conclude the child's world is a world of play and with guidance from the parents of the child's play is also going to learn everything. Therefore we can say that for the world of children, play is learning.

by : Herry P
Learning How To Learn