This technique is a simple technique but it is the foundation of the technique involving the Association of Super Memory (linkage) and Imagination (Imagining) by activating the left and right brain. This technique will be associated with the technique - other memory techniques.
The technique is based on the principles of story and imagination Association or referred by way of thinking in radians or shine.
What happens when you eat the apple, smell flowers, see the mountains, listening to music, or when they remember things - beautiful things? What happens is that information about it - a simple thing or something - something that complex is received or sent to the brain, either in the form of events, feelings, colors, smells, images, words - words, codes, numbers and so forth. And it was by the brain be the center of attention that will radiate into links - another link called Radian. Each - each link indicate any relationship or association. And each - each association has an unlimited number of connections. That thought Radian (radiate).
Make a related form of the story is simple and easy to remember. Do not make the story complicated or too long. The more attractive, funny, weird or splashy will increase brain memory power!
How the brain works of this kind is called Branching Association Machine (BAM) is remarkable, as well as a Bio-Radian Super Computer has thoughts that can access an unlimited amount. Scientific facts show that the human brain is an organ of the most complex and complicated arrangement, made with very high architecture. In its own - each neuron can connect as many as 1028 times. Further estimated by experts that if we put as much information as BRAIN "10 things per second" in time "100 years" continues - again, our brains would not be "FULL" even it only takes 10 percent of our brain capacity! Imagine the brilliance!
So there is no term "My brain is full", I grow up / old that "hard to learn ".... ", Our brain has a great ability, to live how do we optimize it .... ",Let us prove it!
TIPS and Technique Story:
Try to Imagine! A red apple and ripe" .... ", (Imagine sedetil perhaps, feel as if - if the real existence!)
- Wear your association and imagination freely, but stay positive!
- Create a story as short as possible with the KIS (Keep It Simple). If the story is too long, can you classify into several pieces (5 ~ 10 pages).
- Imagine or visualize as if - will the story is real! (If you need to imagine with closed eyes)
- Keep your concentration, keep the brain is still fresh!
- Repeat several times until you understand and remember it well.