Saturday, June 5, 2010

What is Memory?

Posted by me on 3:51 AM 0 comments

What is Memory?

Memory, is simply a person's memory of something that had been arrested by the senses and stored in the human brain.
The experts agree that memory is like a muscle, your brain can be trained to become great who have high memory. If we train properly, it will be good. When we trained him wrong or not trained at all it will become weak.
Memory Exercises addition, there are several things that can improve memory, among other things:"

1. Relaxed Concentration
Remember! At the time working on "Examination", you think the answer is stress.
The more you force, the more clogged your brain and can not find the answer! Yet after the examination is completed and when you're relaxed ..., all of a sudden you remember the answer .... ! That's the human brain.
The experts know that the brain under conditions of stress or depressed, it will produce hormones that are not effective so it can not open the memory (cortex). Be RELAXED (FUN) is the key to save and open the memory!

2. Cluster Data
Most people use patterns - linear patterns, such as normal recording, memorizing the normal way (monotone), it will make the performance of the brain is not optimal.
Sometimes the brain is stimulated only with things - things are boring, so many things that are not well absorbed by the brain. Sometimes the brain becomes confused or puzzled even stress.

But on the contrary, if the brain gets a variety of stimuli, such as color patterns, visualizations that involve all five senses, and having a pattern of "mind map", then the brain will be more effective working. With a variety of stimulation patterns, the pattern of input data (cluster) into the brain, will be well structured and more stable.

3. Repetition
With the method and exact repetition time, it will be easier to remember. Iterative process that must involve both the association and imagination. Mind Mapping and the pattern is an example of a super memory are strongly encouraged to perform repetitions.
Neuron thickening process would be stimulated if the repetitions performed correctly.
Tony Buzan, in his book "Use your Head", stressing that the repetition will be effective if done with proper timing and manner. According to research, effective repetition time must be done within a minimum of five repetitions. Namely: Repetition to-1: 10 minutes, 2nd: 24 Hours, 3rd: 1 week, 4th: 1st and 5th months: 6 months.